section B - Flowers

Section Member: TBA

All entries must be submitted in a single vase or container. No potted flowers, unless specified. Flowers should be fresh and uniform. Try to use appropriate greenery where possible.

  1. Asters, any type, 3 stems of flowers
  2. Bouquet of a minimum of 5 heirloom flowers * (see description below)
  3. Calendula, any colour, 5 stems of flowers
  4. Chrysanthemums, any small variety, 5 or more blooms
  5. Collection of annuals, 3 or more varieties
  6. Collection of perennials/biennials, 5 or more varieties (Trophy awarded)
  7. Cosmos, 12 blooms
  8. Dahlias, decorative, large, over 8”, one bloom
  9. Dahlias, decorative, medium, 6” to 8”, one bloom
  10. Dahlias, decorative, small, 4” to 6”, 5 blooms
  11. Dahlias, pom-pom up to 2” diameter, 5 blooms
  12. Dahlias, cactus type, large, over 8”, one bloom
  13. Dahlias, cactus type, medium, 6” to 8”, one bloom
  14. Dahlias, cactus type, small, 4” to 6”, five bloom
  15. Echinacea or Rudbeckia, any variety, any colour, 5 blooms
  16. Gladioli, large, over 4-1/2” diameter, 1 spike
  17. Gladioli, medium, 3-1/2” to 4-1/2” diameter, 1 spike
  18. Gladioli, small, 2-1/2” to 3-1/2” diameter, 1 spike
  19. Marigolds, over 3” diameter, 3 blooms
  20. Marigolds, 1-1/2” to 3” diameter, 3 blooms
  21. Marigolds, miniature, under 1-1/2” diameter, 3 blooms
  22. Petunias, double with own foliage, minimum of 5 blooms
  23. Petunias, single with own foliage, minimum of 5 blooms
  24. Rose, hybrid tea, one named stem, any colour
  25. Rose, any type, one perfect unnamed stem, any color
  26. Rose, Floribunda, one spray, any colour
  27. Bowl of roses, own foliage only, any variety
  28. Roses, 3 different varieties, any colorB

29. Rose, miniature, one stem with a minimum of 3 blooms
30. Rose, one perfect bud, any colour
31. Snapdragons, 5 spikes
32. Zinnias, over 3” diameter, 3 blooms
33. Zinnias, under 3” diameter, 5 blooms
34. African violet, one potted plant in bloom
35. Geraniums, potted, in bloom
36. Collection of cacti or succulents, potted
37. Cactus/Succulent, 1 potted plant, specify name
38. Collection of herbs in a vase or container
39. Collection of ornamental grasses in a vase or container
40. Nasturtiums or Datura, potted
41. Floral hanging basket, potted, specify name
42. Foliage only houseplant, potted, specify name
43. Fuchsia, potted, in bloom
44. Potted houseplant, in bloom, specify name
45. Sunflowers, 3 blooms under 6” diameter
46. Sunflowers, 3 blooms over 6” diameter
47. Any other plants not listed, specify name
48. A Dish or Fairy Garden no larger than 12” wide, 6” deep, accessories allowed

Juniors (ages 6 years to 11 years)
49. Bouquet of a minimum of 5 heirloom flowers, grown by the Junior* (see description below)

Juniors (ages 12 years to 17 years)
50. Any potted plant, grown by the junior and showcased in an unusual container

 *Heirloom Flowers can include poppies, roses, snapdragons foxgloves, cosmos, holly hocks, dahlias, lavender

Soak garden ground well the day before cutting. Cut flowers after sunset or before sunrise. Cut on a long angle with a razor blade or a very sharp knife. Submit entries in a single creative container, as required. Remove any ragged or bug-nibbled petals. Pay attention to the underside of flowers and foliage. De-bud, if only one blossom is the requirement for a category.