Section D - Fruit & Nuts

Section Member:  Jenny Cooper 705.728.1867

Name the variety of fruit or nuts on the tag. Fruit should show uniformity in colour and size. Be careful to keep the “bloom” on plums. No Polishing! Please note number required for a category. Display entries on a white paper or Styrofoam plate. Note: Nuts must be from previous year’s crop. Categories 30, 31, and 32 may be cracked by the Judges.

Apples – Five (5)
1. Delicious, Golden
2. Gala
3. McIntosh
4. Spartan
5. Any other named variety
6. Apples: New or experimental variety
7. Three or more varieties, on a plate and named (5)

Peaches – Five (5)
8. Any of the Haven varieties
9. Any other named variety
10. Nectarines (5)

Pears – Five (5)
11. Bartlett
12. D’Anjou
13. Flemish Beauty
14. Any other named variety
15. Three or more varieties, on a plate and named (5)

Other Fruit
16. Blackberries, no hull (20)
17. Cantaloupes (2)
18. Raspberries, no hull (20)

19. Other berries-(20)
20. Grapes-table (edible), named variety, 2 bunches
21. Grapes-wine (fermentable), named variety, 2 bunches
22. Plums-prune, with stems, with bloom, (12)
23. Plums-any other named variety, (12)
24. Melons-any named variety, 1 large
25. Melons-any named variety, 3 small
26. Bowl of mixed Okanagan fruit– Theme-based;
not over 12” width
27. Dried Fruit – assorted, named (min. 2 varieties)
28. Fruit Leather – assorted, named (min. 3 varieties)

29. Sunflower Head with seeds
30. PWC Community Garden – Sunflower Head with seeds

31. Filberts or Hazelnuts – in their shells, (10)
32. Walnuts – in their shells, (10)
33. Any other variety of nuts – in their shells, (10)

Reminder: Nuts must be from previous year’s crop; Categories 31, 32, and 33 may be cracked by the Judges

34. Fruit Wines – any variety other than grapes
35. Fruit ciders – any variety

“In a good play every speech should be as fully flavored as a nut or apple.”
~ John Millington Synge